Date: 10.02.2010
The Constituent Assembly the public organization "Russian Association of Experts in Islamic financing", which will bring together people who are professionally involved in Islamic Economics and Finance, held on February 10 in Moscow.
The purpose of establishment of the organization was the creation and development of the professional community of Russia in the field of Islamic financing. Among the objectives of the association are to study of theoretical and applied aspects of Islamic financial instruments in Russia, to search for possible patterns of their use. In addition, the professional community will be engaged in consulting business representatives on trade issues and develop educational programs.
The Association was established on the initiative of members of the Working Group on alternative (Islamic) financial institutions and products, operating since May 2009. Its activities will be led by the Coordinating Council, which includes Rushan Abbyasov (director of the International Department of RMC), Madina Kalimullina (head of economic development programs of the International Department of the RMC), Rustam Vahitov (a specialist in the field of international taxation, senior lawyer of Pepeliaev, Goltsblat & Partners company), Alexander Kazakov (director of structured and syndicated lending department of "Gazprombank").
Become a member you can be in the presence of a document confirming the existence of basic knowledge in the field of Islamic finance (for example, MIRBIS certificate issued on completion of the training course "Islamic finance") and two letters of recommendation from existing members.