Goals and objectives

The Organization created to bring together and coordinate on the study and use of the ethical principles of financial activity of economic entities on the basis of Russian legislation and regulations governing the activities of Islamic financing, on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Goals of the Organization are achieved through the following objectives:

  1. 1) realization of activity on the study and use of ethical principles of Islamic financing;
  2. 2) initiating and conducting negotiations with the Russian authorities, organizations and institutions, as well as foreign agencies, organizations and institutions on the development of Islamic finance in Russia;
  3. 3) organization and conduct of research in the field of theoretical and applied aspects of Islamic economics and Islamic finance;
  4. 4) analysis of methods of application of models of Islamic financing in Russia;
  5. 5) organization of work on standardization of Islamic financial products;
  6. 6) organization of educational activities in the field of Islamic economics and Islamic finance;
  7. 7) conducting work on microfinance development;
  8. 8) implementation of the economic and investment activities on the efficient use of property of the Organization;
  9. 9) cooperation and assistance to its members in establishing contacts with foreign and international associations and organizations dealing with Islamic financing.

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